Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Primary experience, day 3 + Julie and Julia

So, I just wanted to write a very quick, very egoistic blog entry about how great my day was! Two fantastic things happened today (plus lots of little stuff) and both of them made me feel so good that I want to share that. Pkus there is a little bit of education stuff at the end. Just for those of you who just wanted to stop reading :-)

Firstly, I had another reall good morning in Barrington at the Primary School. I am spending every day in the same class and by now, I know some of the kids' names and they also know me. They also ask me for help and today I taught a Year 5 girl to round to the next whole number and decibel. In the end, she was able to do it on her own and even thanked me on her way out. Another girl showed me a fossil she had found on the beach and I also learned about story telling. Good times indeed. Maybe I should become a primary school teacher instead.

The second great thing that happened today was that I went to Cambridge to watch the premier of 'Julie and Julia' which I liked immensly. Although it is a little bit too long, I laughed a lot and the two stories and very well connected- it reminded me a little bit of The Hours, just much lighter. And the food!! My goodness, I got hungry just watching the fantastic dishes being prepared! :-) What I liked best however, was that both of the protagonists had men to cook for. I am a housewife at heart (although it really does not matter who I cook for!) and it is just not as much fun if you just do it for yourself.

Incidentally, with my new (own!) kitchen at my disposal, I started cooking my way through Gordon Ramsay's 'Cooking for friends' a few days ago and even started making strategic shopping lists instead of just buying what I felt like and then cooking what i had ingredients for. This is a kitchen revolution in my case! I am sorry if this diverges a little bit from the original theme of the blog but I thought maybe you should know that I am not just a teacher, student and education revolutionist but that I also love being in the kitchen. And that I am a dancer. And film lover and maker. And photographer. But enough complexity for today :-D

On a last educational note, I found Stop National Standarts today through Twitter and have started reading my way into the site. Powerful stuff although I am still not sure if some kind of standarts are not encouraging a more harmonious society. I am not saying that everybody should have to learn neverything and take tests to 'assess' knowledge, but I so think that every child should be learn basic maths, reading, writing and be introduced to science, history, sociology, politics and one foreign language. If they want to develop these basics once they are a little bit older: great! If not, they have at least been exposed to them so now can make the informed decision not to take them as subjects.

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