With the metro, I travelled to the cinemtiere du pere lachaise- the biggest graveyard of Paris and wandered around, looking at the huge tombs and gravestones. If you now think a graveyard is
a bit of a strange tourist attraction: wrong! This is one of coolest placed in Paris and does not really resemble a graveyard, but more a huge park with memorial stones and cobble stone streets. I also stumbled upon the tombs of Georges Melies, one of my favourite cinema pioneers. The stone reads 'Createur du spectacle cinematographique, 1861-1938'. Cinematique spectacle is a great discribtion for what he did I think!
The second famous grave I saw was that of Oscar Wilde. Although I am not sure why there was a pompous sculpture, after all, Wilde was all about the subtleties, it was realy funny to see how many women had decorated the stone with lipstick kisses. Wit is sexy! :-) Walking along the paths, some leafs came down from a tree and I realised that it is almost autumn already- the summer went so quickly!
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